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xx Marvin teaches Fly Paddles xx

A paddle is shown to be blank. Suddenly, the performer catches a fly on it!

Secret:  For this trick, you will need the paddle that is blank on one side and has one fly on the other.

Holding the paddle between your thumb and index finger, it is possible to flip it over by gently pushing your thumb forward and backward.

The action of flipping the paddle over is so fast that the appearing fly looks very magical. By adding a slight wave of the hand at the same time, the small twisting action is completely hidden, making the effect truly startling.


Display both sides of the paddle to be blank before magically making a fly appear!

Secret: To apparently display both sides of the paddle to be blank, you will secretly show the same side twice while making your spectators believe they are seeing both sides.

Hold the paddle with the blank side showing. Now turn the paddle over but, at the same time, perform the secret flipping move from the last trick.

This will create the perfect illusion that you have shown both sides, when in fact you are still showing the first side of the paddle. Return the paddle to its original position (again performing the secret flipping action).

Now perform the secret action once more, but keep your hands in the same position so that the fly magically appears!

With just a little practice, the secret twisting action will become second nature and the appearing fly becomes an incredibly impressive magic trick.


Make flies appear to jump from paddle to paddle!

Secret: Now that you have learned the secret paddle move with one paddle, you are going to perform it again using both paddles. Hold one paddle in each hand with a single fly showing on both.

Now turn the paddles over but, at the same time, perform the secret flipping action from the last trick.

This will create the perfect illusion that you have shown both sides, when in fact you are still showing the first side of both paddles. Return the paddles to their original positions (again performing the secret flipping action).

Now perform the secret action once more, but keep your hands in the same position so that the flies appear to jump!


Using the first paddle, you can make a fly apparently jump through solid glass and land inside a block of ice.

Secret: Before your performance, secretly drop the fake fly ice cube into a friend’s drink. When you are ready to begin, tap the spectator’s glass with the paddle. At the same time, make the fly apparently vanish by twisting the paddle between finger and thumb. Everyone will suddenly notice the ice cube in the drink. A very cool trick!