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A coin apparently leaps from under one card to another!

Secret: For this trick, you will need two identical coins and two of the round Mind Reader Cards. Your audience will only ever see one of the coins and they will not know about the secret second coin. When performing, you will need a soft surface like a mat or carpet to work on. This makes it easier to pick up the coins during the routine.

To begin, hold the two round cards face-down with one coin secretly hidden under the right card. Place the other coin on the table.

Lower the two cards, with the left-hand card being placed over the tabled coin. Secretly pinch the coin under the left card between your left thumb and the underside of the card.

At the same time, secretly drop the hidden coin from the right hand. Now, when you raise the two cards once more, it will appear as if the coin has jumped from the left card to the right.