This very clever wooden puzzle appears to make a miniature rabbit vanish!
Secret: For this trick you will need the four larger puzzle pieces and the small square rabbit piece. Place the small rabbit piece in your pocket (or you could hide it in the Sixth Sense Box as described earlier in ‘Travelling Coin to Sixth Sense Box’). Arrange the four puzzle pieces as shown in the illustration and tell everyone that you are going to perform the ‘Amazing Vanishing Rabbit Trick’.
Pick up the four pieces and mix them up before placing them back down on the table. Secretly you should turn the pieces over so that the side with the printed rabbit is face down. If you now arrange the pieces has shown in the second illustration, it will look like the rabbit has vanished and there is now a space where the rabbit image should be.
You can now display the previously hidden rabbit piece and everyone will be amazed that it fits perfectly in the centre of the puzzle.
You can also make the rabbit jump from the puzzle to your Quick Change Money Box instantly!
Secret: If you combine the Amazing Vanishing Rabbit trick with your Quick Change Money Box, you can make the small rabbit piece appear and disappear in an instant. The square recess in the Quick Change Money Box has been especially designed to work with the rabbit puzzle, so you can make the rabbit piece vanish from the puzzle and then magically re-appear inside the box!