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Ryan's Magic Coloring Book


A book is shown to be completely blank. After a magical wave, the book is full of black-and-white pictures! Another magical wave and the pictures are now in color!

Secret: For this trick, you will need the special Amazing Magic Coloring Book. If you look through the picture book it will appear as if the pages are randomly blank, black-and-white and colored. However, if you hold the book in a special way, you can make the pages appear to change before your audience’s eyes!

To show the book as completely blank, hold it in your right hand facing your audience and flick through the book with the left hand from front to back. If your left hand is at the bottom of the pages (A) as you flick through the book, every page will appear to be blank – try it!

To show the book to be full of black-and-white line drawings, hold your left hand at the top of the pages (B) when flicking through the book.

Finally, to display every page in full color, place your left hand in the center of the pages (C) as you flick through.

When you present this effect to your audience, you must clearly show each stage of the trick so that everyone can see the book as blank, then black-and-white and finally in color. Also, make sure that you make the transformations as magical as possible. Wave your hand over the book or click your fingers. This will distract your audience’s attention away from how you are holding the book.