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Sixth Sense 02 - The Vanishing Coin

A coin mysteriously vanishes into thin air!

Secret: This is a startling effect. It will take a little practice, but is well worth the time and effort to perfect. While sitting at a table, toss a coin and ask a volunteer to verify that it is just a regular coin.

Pick up the coin again in the following manner. Using your fingertips, drag the coin toward the edge of the table. Just before the coin falls off the table, bring your thumb up to meet your fingertips and grip the coin, lifting it up to display.

Ask everyone to watch very carefully as you toss the coin once more onto the table, then act disappointed as if you were expecting something more magical to happen.

You are going to repeat exactly the same ‘picking up’ action but, instead of gripping the coin between your thumb and fingers, allow the coin to fall over the table edge into your lap. No one will see the coin fall. Instead, they will follow the movement of your fingers, which mime ‘lifting’ the coin and holding it in your hand.

You can now blow on your hand (as if blowing on the coin), before dramatically opening it to show that the money has vanished!

Top tip: Don’t be in a hurry to reveal that the coin has vanished. The longer you can leave between picking up the coin and displaying it has gone, the better! Try pretending to move the coin from hand to hand – or maybe squeezing it to make it look like it evaporates into thin air!



After making a coin vanish – it magically reappears inside the empty Sixth Sense Box!

Secret: You will require a duplicate coin and the Sixth Sense Box. In this trick you cleverly hide the duplicate coin inside the Sixth Sense Box. To do this, place the coin in the lid and then place the upside down box on top of it. If you tilt the lid as you do this, the coin will become trapped between the lid and the box.

By gently squeezing the lid and box together, you can turn the box over – and even shake it to prove that it is empty. To make the coin magically appear, shake the box once more. This time, release the pressure so that the coin dislodges from the lid and ‘audibly’ appears inside the box.