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The Magic Vase


When the ball is placed into your pocket, it mysteriously disappears and reappears in the magic vase!

Secret: For this trick you will need the vase (made up of three sections: the lid, the base and the middle) and the ball. The vase has a secret section containing half a ball. To perform, lift the lid and secret section together to reveal the real ball. Remove the ball, place it in your pocket and replace the lid (along with the secret middle section).

Wave your magic wand over the vase and then this time, lift the lid only (leaving the secret section on the base). It now looks as if the ball has magically returned to the vase!

Replace the lid and wave your wand over the vase once more. Now lift the lid plus the secret section to show that the ball has vanished again! Finally, you can take the real ball from your pocket and replace it in the vase and take a bow!