Your wrists are securely chained and padlocked, yet in a matter of seconds you can escape!
Secret: Both the chain and the padlock may be examined thoroughly as they are normal in every way. The secret to this miraculous escape is not hidden within the apparatus but within the careful tying of the chain around the magician’s wrists. By following these directions closely, you will be able to escape the chains within seconds.
The chain is equipped with two rings, one on the end (A) and a second ring a short distance away (B). Take the chain and thread the end (C) through the first ring (A).
Place your left hand into the chain loop and gently pull the end (C) upward so that the loop becomes tighter against your wrist.
It is important that the first ring (A) is positioned at the top of your wrist in line with your thumb, and that the second ring (B) should be hanging at the back of your wrist. If this position is incorrect, you will be not be able to escape the chain at the end of the routine!
Making sure that the end ring (A) remains on top of your wrist, bring your left hand down and gently pull the chain (C) downward.
Release the end of the chain, allowing it to hang freely, and press your wrists together.
Ask a spectator to take the end of the chain (C) and bring it up over your right wrist. By pressing your wrists together, you can be sure that the end ring (A) will not slip or alter its position.
Tell the spectator to take the chain all the way over your wrists and thread its end (C) through the second ring (B). With this done, the spectator should bring the end of the chain back over to your right wrist (as shown in the illustration) and securely padlock the end (C) to the chain (X).
The exact final position of the padlock (X) will depend on the thickness of your wrists.
As long as the chain has been tied in this manner, you can easily escape simply by rotating your wrists so both hands are palm down. The chain will become loose and you’ll be able to escape!